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이름 김지운
소속/직책 충남대학교 정치외교학과 교수
전문분야 중미관계, 중북관계, 중국 환경/자원
학력 연세대학교 정치외교학 학사
경희대학교 동북아학 석사
University of South Carolina 국제관계학 박사


2013.09~현재(2023.06 기준) 충남대학교 교수

2003.08~2013.08 Webster University 조교수/부교수(tenured)

[주요 저서 및 논문]

- “Beyond Bloc Politics: China’s Diplomacy with American Allies,” Sungkyun China Insight, 1(8) (2023)

- “우크라이나 사태와 미중관계,” 중국연구, 25(3) (2022) (교신저자)

- "글로벌 반중 정서의 양상과 원인,” 성균차이나브리프, 10(1) (2022)

- “바이든 행정부 시기 중국의 대미외교 전망: 공세성의 원인과 한계를 중심으로,” 글로벌정치연구, 14(1) (2021)

- “China’s Food Security and Sino-U.S. Relations:the Case of Soybean Trade,” Journal of China Studies, 23(4) (2020)

- “2017-18년 중국의 대북외교: 두 번의 급변과 그 동인 그리고 함의,” 글로벌정치연구, 13(1) (2020)

- “China Threat Discourses of the Trump Administration: Overblown or Lopsided,” Journal of Conflict and Integration, 3(2) (2019)

- “China’s Quarter-century Struggle with a Nuclear North Korea with a Focus on Its Strategic Calculation,” Asian Education and Development Studies, 8(3) (2019)

- “关于中国弹道导弹现代化和萨德反导系统入韩的研究,” Journal of China Studies, 21(4) (2018) (교신저자)

- “Pseudo Change: China’s Strategic Calculations and Policy Toward North Korea after Pyongyang's 4th Nuclear Test,” East Asia: An International Quarterly, 34(3) (2017)

- “The 'Thucydides Trap'?-Still an Overblown Theory to China under Xi Jinping,” Korean Journal of Security Affairs, 22(1) (2017) 

- “A Bumpy Road to Cities: Analysis of the Obstacles and Limits of China’s New Urbanization,” Pacific Focus, XXX(3) (2015)

- “Inflated Hope, Unchanged Reality: China's Response to North Korea's Third Nuclear Test,” Asian Perspective, 39(1) (2015)

- “The U.S. ‘Return to Asia’ and China’s Perception/Attitude and Foreign Policy,” OUGHTOPIA: The Journal of Social Paradigm Studies, 28(1) (2013)

- “Chinese Nationalism, a False Alarm for Korea -The Case of the Beijing Olympics,” East Asia: An International Quarterly, 28(4) (2011)

- “When Soft Power Meets Nationalism: An Analysis of China’s Charm Offensive in South Korea,” in Dennis Hickey and Baogang Guo, eds., Dancing with the Dragon: China’s Emergence in the Developing World (Lanham, M.D.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2010), Chapter 4

- “Water Scarcity and Hexie Shehui (Harmonious Society),” Pacific Focus, XXIII(2) (2008)

- “Aliens Among Brothers?: The Status and Perception of North Korean Refugees in South Korea,” Asian Perspective, 31(2) (2007) (co-authored)

- “Looking into a Microcosm of China’s Water Problems: Dilemmas of Shanxi, a High and Dry Province,” China Environment Series (Environmental Change and Security Project of Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.), 5 (2002)

- “Drifting on the Drying Water Pool: China’s Water Scarcity and Its Political Foreboding,” Asian Perspective, 25(1) (Spring 2001)
