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국내외 연구기관에서 발표된 중국 연구 자료를 수집하여 제공합니다.


China’s True Growth Rate: Is It Really 7%?

Hideaki MATSUOKA, Tsuyoshi MINAMI, Kengo TAHARA 2015-10-29



- The paper examines China’s announcement of 7% real GDP growth during April–June 2015 in two ways: (1) a recalculation of the GDP deflator and (2) with reference to the Li Keqiang index. As a result, we found that the true growth rate is probably 0.5 to 2.2 points lower than the official figure (as shown in Figure 1).

- Even if government statistics are to be trusted, 1.4 points of the 7% growth in April–June came from the financial sector. Given the Chinese stock market crash, the economy is unlikely to have maintained 7% growth in July–September.

- Contributing to market instability is the dearth of disclosed GDP-related statistics. Chinese authorities need to enhance the transparency of its data.​


