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Rebalancing the U.S.-China Relationship

Eswar Prasad and Weishi (Grace) Gu 2011-01-21

[Policy Research Working Paper 5530]
(January 17, 2011)


China has become the world’s second largest economy, the main driver of global growth and an increasingly assertive economic power. The U.S. is by far the world’s largest economy and one of the richest. Even as their GDP levels gradually converge, a huge gulf remains between China and the U.S. in terms of their per capita incomes and their levels of institutional and financial development.


최신중국동향 : 美·中 경제회의 앞두고 위안 절상요구 고조 전망

최신중국동향 : 美·中 환율전쟁 갈수록 격화
