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국내외 연구기관에서 발표된 중국 연구 자료를 수집하여 제공합니다.


Impacts of China’s growth on the Brazilian trade

Ferrari, Tatiana; Biage, Milton and Da Silva, Sergio 2011-03-24

[MPRA Paper No. 29283]
(March 2011)

We evaluate whether the presence of China in world trade is ultimately beneficial or whether it is a threat to Brazil. Using a gravitational model and a panel data method, we find that the Chinese exports to countries other than Brazil are not hurting the Brazilian exports, although the exports of Brazilian manufactured goods have been displaced by commodities as a result of its commerce with China.


학술보고서 : Nowcasting Chinese GDP: Information Content of Economic and Financial Data

학술보고서 : Structural change in China: Economic development still reliant on industry for now
