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국내외 연구기관에서 발표된 중국 연구 자료를 수집하여 제공합니다.


Multinational Corporations, FDI and the East Asian Economic Integration

Tzu-Han Yang, Deng-Shing Huang 2011-04-15

[IEAS Working Paper No. 11-A002]
(March, 2011)


The phenomenon of fast-growing business activities of multinational corporations around the world has generated much interest in understanding its implications for the development of world economy as well as the relationship among national economies. By analyzing the world top 2000 firms published by the Forbes (the Forbes Global 2000), this article first investigates the contents and structural evolution of these giant multinational firms, and their relationship with national FDI. Then we adopt the method of clustering analysis to investigate the FDI and trade networks within and among regions through which the development of regional economic integration are revealed. 

학술보고서 : China's Foreign Trade in the Perspective of a More Balanced Economic Growth

학술보고서 : The Innovative Performance of China’s National Innovation System

게시글 이동
이전글 Northeast Asia's Economic Integration into China 2011-04-15
다음글 后危机时代的中国宏观调控 2011-04-14
