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Zimbabwe - Urgent Water Supply and Sanitation Rehabilitation Project - Phase 2

짐바브웨 국외연구자료 기타 African Development Bank Group African Development Bank Group 발간일 : 2015-10-05 등록일 : 2015-11-02 원문링크


In support of a functioning infrastructure development and its contribution to the economic recovery process and people’s livelihood, the Bank approved second phase of the Urgent Water Supply and Sanitation Rehabilitation (UWSSRP) on 7 October 2013 with a total estimated cost of US$35.99 million. However as funds were not fully available at the time of presentation of the project, management approved the overall project to be funded into two stages. Hence stage 1 of the program for US$19.84 million was approved in 2013 to cover part of the cost of the project. The Board was informed at the time that management would come back for the remaining amount (US$ 16.15 million) once resources are mobilised and secured from Zim-Fund partners.

The project was formulated to further the benefits and impacts of the first phase of the UWSSRP which is being implemented in six municipalities. The second phase of the project is being implemented in Harare, Chitungwiza, Ruwa and Redcliff serving an estimated population of 1.9 million. The project aims to protect public health through improvement of service, preserve physical assets, resuscitate capacity and improve financial sustainability of the water and sanitation service providers. In addition to the rehabilitation of water and sanitation infrastructure, the project will build the capacity of service providers in operation and maintenance and sustainability. The interventions will be complemented with hygiene promotion targeting the most vulnerable segment of the population and support the efforts of the local authorities to promote water conservation.

The first stage (US$ 19.84 million) is focusing on Harare and preparatory activities for the three other towns. The project was launched in March 2014 and it hired the services of a procurement agent and implementing entity to undertake the technical preparatory activities for both stages of the project, procurement and supervision of project implementation activities. The technical preparation is well underway and procurement process has commenced to secure goods, services and works for the project.

The presentation of the stage 2 financing estimated at US$16.15 million is timeous and its approval will make the implementation of the project uninterrupted and smooth. It was for this reason that after having noted the progress made in the implementation of the Zim-Fund projects, Zim-Fund partners mobilised and committed additional resources so that the momentum of the project implementation is maintained. In this regard, the Program Oversight Committee (POC) of the Zim-Fund approved the additional financing of the US$16.15 million on 03 December 2014.

The processing and implementation of the project will be guided by the Operations Manual developed for Zim-Fund. The implementation arrangement will remain the same and it will receive regular follow up and supervision from Zim-Fund Management Unit (MMU) and other GoZ structures. The POC will continue to provide the policy and strategic guidance.

It is highly recommended that if the Project goals and objectives are to be met, the Project must be completed as per the original plan. Reducing the scope of works will result in the Project failing to achieve its objectives. The additional resources being requested will make it possible for the Project to be completed as planned.



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