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North Africa - Working paper - Fundamentally changing the way we educate students in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region

알제리 국외연구자료 기타 Professor Tawfik Jelassi 등 African development bank group 발간일 : 2015-11-04 등록일 : 2015-11-12 원문링크




• This paper suggests a new educational approach that fosters innovation, technology and entrepreneurship as a lever for graduates’ marketability and ultimately their self-employment. This approach could be referred to as “education for (self-) employment.”
• This paper offers thirteen recommendations for action, which can be summarized as follows:
1. Also focusing on providing “education for self-employment,” not just “education for employment;”
2. Incorporating new pedagogical approaches, such as “learning-by-doing” (also referred to as “action-based learning”);
3. Removing the silo mentality that has existed for years in the MENA region’s universities, and the subsequent mono-dimension of knowledge and learning;
4. Re-engaging with teaching staff, administrators, and students to motivate, empower, and re-instill their sense of responsibility and purpose;
5. Developing international and regional student exchange programs, which contribute to developing grit, diverse points of view, international contacts, and global mindset;
6. Initiating actions to involve the diaspora and get benefit from their international exposure;
7. Strengthening the linkage between universities and employers, so as to ensure a better fit between educational programs, and job market needs;
8. Leveraging innovative concepts and technology, such as, “Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE),” “flipped classroom,” and “massive online open courses,” and the enormous amount of new educational resources, - that have now been put at the fingertips of the MENA countries’ teachers and students;
9. Improving learning and teaching facilities within universities and higher education institutions;
10. Setting up a trainers’ training program to improve and update the teaching skills, and competencies of faculty;
11. Taking into account the market impact of new types of entities delivering education and content;
12. Ensuring some continuity of educational policies while  providing flexibility, and local autonomy; and
13. Encouraging life-long learning among graduates.

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