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Impact of sediment transport of the Chellif River on silting of the Boughezoul reservoir (Algeria)

알제리 국외연구자료 기타 Remini Boualem, Bensafia Djllali Journal of Water and Land Development 발간일 : 2015-03-01 등록일 : 2016-04-03 원문링크

In this article, we discussed the effect of sediment transport in the Chellif catchment on the silting of Boughezoul reservoir. Since 1934, when the impoundment of the dam, nine bathymetric surveys were carried out by hydraulic services. Based on the last two bathymetric surveys (1986 and 2005), we assessed the average annual rate of silting 0.67 million m3·year1. Is a filling rate of 70% of the total capacity of the reservoir in 2011. Storage capacity has decreased from 55 million m3 in 1934 to 15 million m3 in 2011. Concentrations exceeding 300 g·l1, recorded in the river upstream of Boughezoul reservoir, caused formation of density currents.

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