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Role of Credit and Saving Share Company in Poverty Reduction in Rural Communities of Gumay District, Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia

에티오피아 국외연구자료 기타 J.M. Sabit, A. Mohammed The International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance 발간일 : 2015-01-01 등록일 : 2016-04-26 원문링크

The study has evaluated the role of Oromiya Credit and Saving Share Company (OCSSCo) in reducing poverty in rural communities of Gumay district, Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia. Purposive sampling techniques were employed to collect data for selecting sample respondents from the staff, farmers, women and youth association representatives. Accordingly, from currently existing 10 active credits and saving associations found in the rural areas of the district; 10 respondents from each member group which amounts a total of 100 sample participants were included. The results were subjected to ANOVA and all statistical computations were made by using SPSS version 20 computer software. According to the analysis conducted, most of the respondents were found to register significant increasing trends in their income, increase in quantity and quality of the daily dish served for consumption and housing improvements. The outcome of current research also indicated that there was the diversification of business activities, for the loans were disbursed for agricultural and other business activities but the size of the loan that the institution allows is very limited. Therefore, strengthening financial capacity to OCSSCo to increase the amount of loan it disburses for each client might reverse the direction. As most of the clients suggested that the loan was not sufficient to run their projects, OCSSCo ought to make an effort to increase the size of loan for its clients in relation to the business size and type of activities.

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