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The Effect of Territorial Marketing on City Image Valuation: An Exploratory Study in Algeria

알제리 국외연구자료 기타 Zakia Megri, Fateh Bencherif International Journal of Marketing Studies 발간일 : 2014-06-28 등록일 : 2016-05-03 원문링크

This study aimed to determine the level of the valuation of the image and identity of Batna as historic, traditional,revolutionary city, with specific natural and cultural skills. The study also sought to identify the impact ofmarketing on the valuation of territorial identity and image of Batna. The study was conducted on a sample of 24directorates representing all the actors in Batna city. We distributed 158 questionnaires to employees in thesedirectorates, 135 were recovered, were valid for statistical analysis. After treatment and analysis of hypothesisusing SPSS, it was ascertained the existence of a positive rating of the economic partners to apply the territorialmarketing on Batna city as a touristic destination. The study concluded that there is an impact between theapplication of territorial marketing on Batna city and the valuation of the image and the city identity. The resultsshow statistically significant differences in the application of territorial marketing in terms of its dimensions dueto accept the presence of the partnership and to the fact that the concerned directorate is a main part.


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