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Effects of Tradeshow Participation on Expansion of Turkish Companies into Algerian Market

알제리 국외연구자료 기타 A.Tugba Karabulut International Business Research 발간일 : 2014-11-25 등록일 : 2016-06-22 원문링크

The purpose of this study is to explore the pre-show activities of Turkish companies which participated in the 2nd Turkish Products Trade Show in Algeria and effects of this trade show on expansion activities of these companies in Algeria. Istanbul Chamber of Commerce is the biggest chamber in Turkey with 350000 member companies. It organized a tradeshow between 7th and 10th of December 2013in in Algeria for its members to facilitate meeting with Algerian customers and making export agreements. This tradeshow could be a tool for Turkish companies to explore and enter both Algerian and African markets. The author conducted a study to these 134 companies which participated in this trade show. The data collection method is a questionnaire that was filled out by the owners of companies that participated in this tradeshow. 61% of the questionnaires were answered. Exploratory research method was used in this study. Frequency distribution analysis and crosstab analses were applied to the data.

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