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Changes in Attitude towards Gender Inequality in the Process of Demographic Transition

잠비아 국외연구자료 기타 - Journal of Applied Sociology 발간일 : 2013-08-01 등록일 : 2016-06-22 원문링크

Gender inequality stems from social factors in each society. In theories of gender inequality, it has been assumed that family role in reproduction of gender inequality is of crucial importance (Bourdieu 2001, Chaftez 1999, dyson 2001). Demographic transition is one of the factors in the structure of family changes in recent century. Demographic transition is applied to changes from high levels of mortality and fertility to low levels (Lucas & meyer 2002). Demographic transition has some stages. In each stage, the population has special structure according to demographic characteristics such as decreasing family size, decreasing kinship relations, increasing women education, the more participation of women in work force and their higher independence. The education and employment of women leads to changes in power structure and marriage patterns. So, the institution of family differs in various countries according to different stages of demographic transition. This article is about the role of demographic transition in change in attitude towards gender inequality. Material & MethodsResearch sample includes 50 countries that are listed in World Value Survey for the year 2005. The demographic data has been prepared from population bureau of United Nations and gender inequality data has been used from World Value Survey, using cluster analysis for examining the above countries in terms of demographic transition. Research theoretical model is tested according to structural equation modeling and Amos software. Discussion of Results & ConclusionsThe results of the study show that attitudes towards gender inequality are different in countries according to different stages of demographic transition.


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