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The effects of household wealth on HIV prevalence in Manicaland, Zimbabwe – a prospective household census and population-based open cohort study

짐바브웨 국외연구자료 기타 Nadine Schur Journal of the International AIDS Society 발간일 : 2015-01-18 등록일 : 2016-06-29 원문링크

Introduction: Intensified poverty arising from economic decline and crisis may have contributed to reductions in HIV prevalence in Zimbabwe. Objectives: To assess the impact of the economic decline on household wealth and prevalent HIV infection using data from a population-based open cohort. Methods: Household wealth was estimated using data from a prospective household census in Manicaland Province (1998 to 2011). Temporal trends in summed asset ownership indices for sellable, non-sellable and all assets combined were compared for households in four socio-economic strata (small towns, agricultural estates, roadside settlements and subsistence farming areas). Multivariate logistic random-effects models were used to measure differences in individual-level associations between prevalent HIV infection and place of residence, absolute wealth group and occupation.

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