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Death or Dearth of Democracy in Zimbabwe?

짐바브웨 국외연구자료 기타 David Moore Africa Spectrum 발간일 : 2014-01-01 등록일 : 2016-06-29 원문링크

As Mugabe won 61 per cent of the presidential vote (34 per cent

went to Morgan Tsvangirai) and his ZANU-PF won 197 seats in the

national assembly (compared to 70 for the MDC-T), nearly five years of

co-managing a tension-ridden “transitional inclusive government” (TIG)

in which the two main parties (along with Arthur Mutumbara as deputy

prime minister in a party splintered from the main MDC) “shared”

government came to an end, but neither the TIG nor the election

ushered in democracy in its wake. ZANU-PF will control the state for

the foreseeable future: Evoking Stephen Chan’s (2007) bidding “farewell

to Mugabe” before the election of 2008, “farewell to democracy” seems

like the more appropriate send-off now (Bracking 2013).

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