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The Effect of Perceived Risk on the Intention to Use E - commerce: The Case of Algeria

알제리 국외연구자료 기타 Zakariya Belkhamza (Universit i Malaysia Sabah) ARRAY Development 발간일 : 2016-08-10 등록일 : 2016-08-10 원문링크

Despite the recent economic downtown in the Internet and ICT sectors, legitimate concerns regarding privac y and trust remain obstacles to growth and important issues to both individuals and organizations. Studies on the adoption of business - to - consumer e - commerce have not simultaneously considered trust and risk as important determinants of adoption behavior. The conceptual model of this study leads us to believe that system risks of e - commerce are the major determinants of the adoption behavior. Based on technology acceptance model (TAM), this study aims to investigate the effect of perceived system risk on th e behavioral intention of tourism organizations to use e - commerce. This research is expected to provide both theoretical explanations and empirical validation on the adoption of e - commerce, and offer clear explanation and recommendations for business organ izations as well as e - commerce systems providers, regarding the adoption of e - commerce and the risk and security issues.


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