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아랍에미리트 국외연구자료 기타 Beena Salim Saji, Reshma Das John, Malini Nair, Roudaina Houjeir European Journal of Business and Economics 발간일 : 2015-10-30 등록일 : 2016-11-10 원문링크

United Arab Emirates has grown in great leaps as a country which can claim very high achievements in different sectors of economy such as real estate, education, banking, retail, trading, telecommunications, airline and tourism, as well as in many other spheres. Complementing these developments, is a large of advertisement activities which are aimed at attracting and retaining customers who are very diverse in nature.  The advertisement industry hence is booming as the competition between companies is getting more and more aggressive. It is safe to conclude that with so many advertisements, competing for the attention of the young Emirati population as well as the working expat community, there is significant pressure on advertisement agencies to make their advertisements more captivating. This may be leading to an exaggeration of values that the organization can give through their products and services, and may use language that may become just more memorable than accurate (Al Tamimi, 2013). As in the other countries, there is self-regulation for advertising in UAE, but there is also complex set of regulations that incorporate different laws. This paper is an attempt to explore the methods and processes adopted by advertising agencies or organizations that create advertisements, to ensure compliance with these laws. The study used interviews with officials of advertising agency and government organisations which control advertisements, such as the ministry of information and municipality sections dealing with advertisements, to understand the processes and methods of ensuring governance in advertising. The study adds value to the existing knowledge of advertisement governance and gives insights into the UAE perspective.


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