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Internet Banking: An empirical investigation into the extent of adoption by banks and the determinants of

아랍에미리트 국외연구자료 기타 - Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 발간일 : 2005-05-05 등록일 : 2016-11-23 원문링크

This study adopts the Diniz (1998) model to evaluate websites of foreign and local banks in the United Arab Emirates and through a survey of users ascertains factors that influence customer satisfaction of the internet banking service. These are convenience, independence, and security of internet banking transactions. Results suggest that although the banking sector in the United Arab Emirates is a regional leader, internet banking in the United Arab Emirates is yet to be properly utilized as a real added value tool to improve customer relationship and to attain cost advantages. To identify factors influencing satisfaction of internet banking customers, data was collected from internet banking users in the United Arab Emirates. To examine the data, a factor analyses and multiple regression analyses were conducted. It was revealed that convenience and security of internet banking transactions have a significant impact on satisfaction. The effects of age, gender, number of years as an internet banking user were also explored. Security of internet banking transactions was significant for those using internet banking for more than two years, while not for others. Implications of results were discussed, and future research directions outlined.


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