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아랍에미리트 국외연구자료 기타 Leca Irina, Vranceanu Carmen Andreea, Tigu Gabriela Annals of the University of Oradea : Economic Science 발간일 : 2015-06-18 등록일 : 2017-01-10 원문링크

The shock of the transition from a centralized type to a free market type economy and the fall of barriers with regard to migratory labor force in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, after the fall of communist regimes in the early 1990s, have led to national companies modeling, producing a new configuration of Europe, under the banner of cooperation and common values. If in the case of Romania before 1989 we were dealing with migration restriction in the forthcoming period communism we are witnessing a massive flow of migration of the labor force, its own citizens leaving national territory in favor of establishing either temporary or definitive in Europe or in countries outside the European Union. The term migration has exceeded the strictly considered academic environment, becoming a popular subject, commonly used by the media and the population, but largely minimized by the Romanian political class. Given its particular importance on the socio-economic, cultural and political development, the purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the magnitude of the Romanian migration and the causes that have led to its genesis and stimulation. Why people choose to emigrate, which are the motives which cause them to adopt this behavior, which are the countries of destination and which are the clichés faced by Romanian migrants there, what are the consequences of such a process, these are the questions to which we want to have an answer. Literature in the field, rigorous studies of visiting scientists from the various areas, the statistical data from the various publications by the National institute of Statistics and online media sources have been given a picture of the phenomenon being investigated, and which have been added to the data collected as a result of the application of a questionnaire in the Romanian community from the United Arab Emirates. This will highlight a reaction in the group, namely the run away from the Romanian state, which is perceived as a passive/reactive player on the chessboard of the European Union. The conclusions of the study indicate the need for the State involvement in efficient management of Romanian migration – in particular, the migration of highly and medium qualified workers, granting importance to the reverse migration, namely the return back-home.


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