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Cartographie des risques industriels du dépot pétrolier à Hussein Dey, Alger (Algérie)

알제리 국외연구자료 기타 FATIMA ZOHRA MOHAMED-CHÉRIF, DJILLALI CHACHA Cinq Continents 발간일 : 2015-12-16 등록일 : 2017-01-18 원문링크

Hazard Mapping of Industrial Oil Storage in Hussein Dey, Algiers ( Algeria). The industrial hazardsare a danger to environment. It is the case of the fuel depot of Caroubier in the municpality of Hussein Dey in the outskirts of the capital Algiers. It is a potential danger in this urban area and a real challenge for the local authorities which do not have app ropriate tools for risk management. The municipality possesses single maps with colored items corresponding to the identification of spatial risks. The objective of this article is to map the risks generated by fuel depot. This mapping will help us localiz e the spatial vulnerability to suggest land planning measures.


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