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The authoritarian castling of the Syrian regime: from popular uprising to civil war

카타르 국외연구자료 기타 Ignacio Álvarez-Ossorio Alvariño Revista CIDOB dAfers Internacionals 발간일 : 2015-01-23 등록일 : 2017-02-15 원문링크

Instead of hastening political change, the Syrian uprising has led to greater authoritarianism. At first, president Bashar al-Assad adopted various cosmetic reforms (a party law and constitutional referendum), which were designed more as a survival strategy than a genuine process of political liberalisation. In its first four years, the Syrian crisis has gone from being an anti-authoritarian popular uprising to a proxy war with the active presence of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar and Turkey. Control of the state apparatus on the part of the Alawite minority has been instrumentalised by the Salafist and jihadist groups to intensify sectarianism and claim the establishment of an Islamic State.


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