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Design and Simulation of Dairy Farm Photovoltaic System for a Rural Area in Tlemcen, Algeria

알제리 국외연구자료 기타 Soufi Aicha, Chermitti Ali, Allam Zehor, Bouzaki Mohammed Mostafa Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 발간일 : 2014-07-25 등록일 : 2017-03-28 원문링크

The use of renewable energy in agriculture is a research knows that considerable development in the last decade. In this paper we scrutinized optimal sizing of solar array and battery in a stand-alone photovoltaic (SPV) system to provide the required electricity for a dairy cow farm located in Terny Beni hdiel in Tlemcen, Algeria. Solar radiation data measured in an hourly time-series format are used based on 22 years. Average between 1983 and 2005. The PVSYST software tool was used for simulation of the system. The study is addressed to loads in the small dairy farm with energy consumption levels of around 121 kWh per day. The stand-alone PV system consists of a Solar panel, DC-DC Converter, Maximum Power Point Tracker, DC/AC Inverter, and Battery.



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