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[정치/사회]민영화는 만병통치약인가? 잠비아시민들의 민영화 불만족도 결정변인

잠비아 국내연구자료 기타 조정인 한국아프리카학회 발간일 : 2014-06-30 등록일 : 2017-04-20 원문링크

In recent years, privatization in the structural adjustment programs has been considered one of the major medicines for curing stagnant economic disease. Although the privatization of previously state owned enterprises has been implemented by developing countries and became one of the most controversial issues since 1990s, many scholars fail to investigate why there has been a strong surge in public dissatisfaction with such policy in Africa. The local government, multinational corporations, and international financial institutions face a crisis of legitimacy as ordinary man and women express their high dissatisfaction, through strikes and protests against privatization policy. Yet, the systematic and coherent understanding of the causes of the public dissatisfaction of the privatization policy in African countries is still poorly understood and remains elusive. Using Afrobarometer 4 in Zambia, I examine the systematic determinants of public discontent with privatization in African countries. Focusing on the Zambian public opinion data, empirical analyses conducted with Ordered Logit model show that respondent’s perception on serious corruption problem, ideological political affiliation, and pessimistic evaluations of Zambia’s economic situation are important determinants of such dissatisfaction in Zambia.


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