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[산업/경제]Assessment of Technical Efficiency of Malt Barley Production in South Eastern Ethiopia

에티오피아 국외연구자료 기타 Zegeye Tirfe, 김경량 한국농식품정책학회 발간일 : 2016-06-30 등록일 : 2017-04-28 원문링크

The rapid growth of Ethiopia’s breweries industry has led to the increased demand for malt barley. To balance the demand and supply of malt barley the country have to increase production and production efficiency of the malt barley. In this paper, the technical efficiency of malt barley production was investigated using the stochastic frontier production function. Primary data were obtained using interview schedule from randomly selected household heads. The estimated stochastic production frontiers model indicates land size of malt barley, DAP (Diammonium Phosphate), seed, labor and oxen labor are significant inputs that determine production level of malt barley in the study area. The mean technical efficiency of malt barley farmers is 0.725. This shows that the farmers are not using inputs efficiently. On average, farmers can increase their output by 27.50% without increasing the existing level of inputs by adopting techniques used by the best practice malt barley farmers. Malt barley farmers’ technical efficiency will increase with increase in their years of schooling, cooperative membership, extension visit, access to credit and soil fertility. In contrast, as the number of plot fragmentation increases, farmers’ technical efficiency declines in contrast. The result implies that it is still possible to increase production of malt barley by increasing use of inputs to meet the demand of the breweries industry in the country. The finding revealed that to improve the technical efficiency of malt barley farmer’s; further promotion of rural household education, better access to credit facilities, promotion of packagebased extension schemes, improving farmers’ cooperative and improving soil fertility are areas of intervention. Besides, the government body should work diligently and link malt barley farmers, researchers and Breweries industry to promote optimum and quality malt barley production in the country to benefit both the demand side and the suppliers.


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