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[정치] 사우디아라비아의 정치개혁운동과 새로운 정치지도

사우디아라비아 국내연구자료 기타 홍미정 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 중동연구소 발간일 : 2014-06-05 등록일 : 2017-05-17 원문링크

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been relatively stable as compared toother countries in the Middle East even though it has maintained themost authoritarian political system in the region. The very twoimportant reasons that kept it stable are as there was no the stronginternal power against the Saudi royal family in Saudi Arabia nor theexternal sponsor to activate the opposition. This situation was fromthe traditional divide and rule strategy of Saudi Royal family. As the political changes in the region going on since 2011 , Al–Sahwa, Liberal, Shiite reformists in Saudi Societies have called theSaudi Royal Family the common Political System Reforms involving 'theProtection of Human Rights, Constitutional Monarchy, ParliamentaryElections'. These reform forces are judging that Saudi political systemhas reached the critical point of change that can't be avoided as callinga suitable reform of the political system instead of a revolutionarychange of sacrifice myriad. In the last three years, both the effort of Saudi royal family tostrengthen the regional hegemony through the military intervention inSyria and the effort to emasculate the opponents to call the politicalreform failed. In addition, as hoping that the situation in Syria will beresolved with negotiations, the United States is pursuing thenegotiations over the nuclear issue with Iran that has built the hostilerelationship with Saudi Arabia. If you look the Middle East policy of the United States that haschanged, it is possible that U.S. policy of Saudi Arabia turns into thedirection to prefer political reform movement. The Saudi royal familyhas no a special alternative and will seek a compromise with the political reform movements in order to maintain the minimum politicalpower as following the U.S policy. In the result, a new political mapthat reflects the diverse and pluralistic societies in Saudi Arabia willappear.


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