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[정치] 이집트의 대영 독립투쟁(1914-1922) : 이집트 민족주의자의 움직임을 중심으로

이집트 국내연구자료 기타 송경근 한국중동학회 발간일 : 2005-02-28 등록일 : 2017-07-20 원문링크

Khedive Ismail(1863-1879) sought to transform Egypt into a country that Europe would respect in European terms. However the greatest transformation of Egypt led to the international bankruptcy. The bankruptcy of Egypt brought greater British control over Egyptian affairs. After "Urabi"s resistance against the British control over Egypt the Britain occupied it. Egypt was governed by the "Veiled Protectorate" which means any Egyptian minister can"t refuse the demand of British advisers. For the ten years of British occupation the nationalist movement showed no signs. But the British occupation gradually accelerated Egyptian discontent and activism. In 1906 the incident of Dinshawai encouraged to revive the Egyptian nationalism under the Mustafa Kamil until his premature death 1908.Ottoman Empire went to war against the Allies in 1914. Egypt"s Turkish tie had become an anomaly. Britain cut it decisively in December. And they deposed Khedive Abbas from his position. A pliable uncle Husein Kamil was given the title of "sultan" to underscore the break with Ottoman Empire. Nationalists still in Egypt were put under house arrest, the Legislative Assembly was adjourned indefinitely and political life went into suspension. World War 1 was a watershed for Egypt. Four long years of war proved massively unsettling for Egypt. Then Egyptian had increased hostility toward the British presence in Egypt during the war; Wartime difficulties reinforced their desire to end the British occupation of Egypt.After ending the World War 1 no Englishman foresaw a revival of Egyptian nationalism. But Sa"d Zaghlul and his followers organized the Wafd(delegation), gathered signatures in towns and villages on deposition authorizing the movement"s leaders to make the case for the "complete independence" of Egypt. The Wafd became Egypt"s premier political organization. They led the uprising of Egyptian people against Britain. Britain crushed it in force. But the situation was not settled. On February 22, 1922 London issued a unilateral declaration of Egyptian independence. It was a qualified form of independence, however.

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