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[정치] 제국주의로 본 미국의 중동정책-클린턴과 조지 W. 부시의 중동정책을 중심으로-

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 국내연구자료 기타 이성수 한국중동학회논총 발간일 : 2007-02-28 등록일 : 2017-08-04 원문링크

This paper analyses the imperialization of USA centering on the imperialistic frame of theory and the imperialistic policy of USA in the Middle East in a critical sense. This paper analyses the Middle East policy of USA based on the Neo-Imperialism of Hugh Seton Watson who insisted that Imperialism is what one people rules over the other people by force, and criticizes the Middle East policy of USA centering on the concept that USA tries to rule over not only all the world but the Middle East . USA has already tended to be imperializing since before World War Ⅱ, which seems to have become more obvious since the end of the Cold War centering on America and the former USSR. Under the bipolar system, two countries have sought the imperialization based on liberalism and democracy. USA has strengthened imperialization even more since the former Soviet Union fell down. Consequently, USA has reorganized all the world with American ideology, making an strong display as hyper-power. This paper also indicates that plans for ruling over the Middle East based on such imperialism are made at the basis of Neo-cons of America.


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