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[경제] 알제리 경제의 개방화와 한국의 대 알제리 진출 확대방안 (알제리 경제의 개방화와 한국의 對 알제리 진출 확대방안)

알제리 국내연구자료 학술논문 김시경 한국중동학회 발간일 : 2007-09-11 등록일 : 2017-09-28 원문링크

The Objective of this research is to study not only the opening of algerian economy but also the enlargement of economic relation between Republic of Korea and Algerie. State visit of South Korean president Ro Mu-Hyun, early 2006, accentuate bilateral economic relation thanks to the favorable attitude of algerian counterpart, president Bouteflica. It is not too much to say that there are many differences in respect of political system and economic structure among them. South Korea suffers from shortage of natural resources such as oil, natural gas, coal, iron etc. As compared with industrial structure of Korean economy, Algerie equipped with abundant crude oil and natural gas. Frankly speaking, Republic of Korea is very much interested in energy resources to provide for rise of energy resource nationalism. To the contrary, Algerie needs the experience of industrialization, capital and technology of South Korea in overcoming economic & social backwardness. For Algerie, there is nothing for it but to rely on the Korean lesson which was transformed from one of the poorest country in the world in 1961 to the quasi advanced country merely during 45 years. In these days, Algerie make the most of economic partnership with Republic of Korea for the purpose of pursuing the road to welfare & prosperity based on industrialization of South Korean model.


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