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[경제] 수단 경제현황과 한국-수단 경제협력

아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국내연구자료 학술논문 심의섭 한국중동학회논총 발간일 : 2005-05-31 등록일 : 2017-11-17 원문링크

Sudan known as one of the poorest countries in the world is now become as an oil exporting country with a dream to be rich country in the near future. However, she has to solve very serious problems such as civil war between Northern and Southern Sudan, and political unstable situation. Major economic differences between two regions are the unfavorable income distribution, monetary system originated from ethnic and religious factors. One of the important foreign economic development partners of Sudan is China who concentrating especially in oil industry and trading. Since the Sudanese trade and investment are increasing every year Korea have to develope the economic cooperations through the economic activities such as trade, investment, construction, etc. as well as the non-economic cooperations. Especially Sudan needs to develope and construct more physical infrastructure which Korea has enough experiences until 1999. For the economic development of Sudan, Sudanese government are continuing the more open door policy for trade and investment to attract the foreign capital. Oil industry, infrastructure sector and IT is the very interesting area for foreign investors. However, there are still many problems to attract the foreign capital. For examples, the regional cooperations between and/or among the local governments, more correct investment information and statistics for the projects, and other environmental and investment infrastructure are continuously needed for the convenience of and to invite the foreign investors.

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