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[사회] Andalusian contribution to the creation of a cross-border in the Spanish-Moroccan border

아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국외연구자료 학술논문 Rosa Jordá Borrel Estudios Fronterizos 발간일 : 2002-12-31 등록일 : 2018-01-19 원문링크

This article will be centered in the way of evolving flow of the exterior trade between Andalusia and Morocco, and the strategies of the economic Andalusian agents to penetrate within the Morocco market taking advantage of the growing demand and the low prices of labor, all of these without forgetting that the free exchange zone started in 1996, and is too early to make a deep analysis of this matter. Secondly, we want to measure the level of participation of the Andalusian Autonomous Community to build infrastructure (ports, electric stations, thermoelectric, airports, telecommunications, health) and equipping local, regional and national Moroccan communities, due to it constitutes another way to penetrate in the Andalusian market, and can be considered another way of Andalusia sharing in the development process of the Moroccan free trade zone, since it is twice inserted in said process as a region of the European Union and as a door of Europe.

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