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[역사] 냉전 초 미국의 포인트 포 사업과 ‘낮은 수준의 근대화(Low Modernization)’ — 1950년대 이란(Iran)의 사례를 중심으로 —

이란 국내연구자료 학술논문 한봉석 사림 발간일 : 2018-01-31 등록일 : 2018-05-04 원문링크

The Point Ⅳ Program in Iran shows a typical type of the ‘Technical Cooperation’ of the U.S. foreign aid. In other words, Technical Cooperation means ‘low modernization’ in a context of the U.S foreign aid. It has three components; land grant college, U.N. and the Charity Foundation, and Agricultural Programs. First of all, The land grant college was originated from Project of the Department of Agriculture. The <Morrill Land Grant College Act> had proclaimed in 1862. This law had supported each state to establish the college by free. Then the <Hatch Law,1887>, <Smith-Lever Act,1914> made public. It made improvement in Agricultural area. And these college provide agricultural extension program to the people. In 1950’s early, Utah state Agricultural College, Brigham Young University, University of Utah, Syracuse University, University of Southern California joined the Point Ⅳ Program in Iran. They made a elemental education for the Iran child. That was a first clue of low modernization. Then, U.N. also joined the Point Ⅳ Program in Iran. For exemple, we can see the UNEPTA (United Nations Expanded Program of Technical Assistance). U.N. had a their own technical cooperation projects. The ECOSOC(Economic and Social Council), Technical Assistance Committee, Technical Assistance Board (TAB) had a power to rule of such projects. The most popular case in Iran project were establishing milk pasteurization plant, vocational training by UNESCO. This was a second part of ‘low modernization’ Finally, the last part of ‘low modernization’ were a Agricultural part of Iran. The U.S. had accused the Agricultural problems in Iran as three parts such as agriculture, land distribution, agrarian development. For instance, the rural community development has such three parts of them. In fact, Agrarian Development Program which Shah had strongly supported had failed because of the traditional landowners felt uncomfortable and religious leader neither did. Nevertheless, this was a last component of low modernization. In conclusion. ‘Low Modernization’ had three components; land grant college, U.N. and Charity Foundation, Agricultural Programs. Unfortunately, It had failed. But the Form of the low modernization had passed to the East Asia by Technical Cooperation of Point Ⅳ Program.

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