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[정치] 카타르의 정치변동과 정치발전

카타르 국내연구자료 학술논문 정상률 중동연구 발간일 : 2004-07-31 등록일 : 2018-05-11 원문링크

This paper reviewed the process of Qatari political change historically and investigated the peculiarity of political change which they experienced several times(1949: production of oil, 1971: independence, 1972: the first coup d'etat, 1995: the second coup d'etat, and after 1995) and analyzed whether political change resulted in the political development or not. Al-Thanis family centric nation-state system was constructed in Qatar after production of oil in 1940's and experienced political change several times, but there were not political change in the nature of state and at the level of political system. so to speak, political change in Qatar was the change of political institution and the change of political elite(leadership), and therefore Qatari have experienced some political development through the political change of low level or low degree. Qatar is oil rentier state, Islamic-feudalistic absolute monarchy state now, but increase of population, pluralization of society, progress of education level, increase of wealth by oil production would affect political development positively in the future.

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