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[사회] 위성 TV와 카타르 여성의 성역할에 대한 의식 변화에 관한 연구

카타르 국내연구자료 학술논문 조희선 한국중동학회논총 발간일 : 2006-08-31 등록일 : 2018-05-11 원문링크

Satellite TV and its Influences on Consciousness of the Gender Role of Qatari Women Cho, Hee-Sun Myongji University This paper will focus on Satellite TV and its influences on consciousness of the gender role of Qatari women. To investigate what impacts the satellite TV have made on consciousness of the gender role in Qatar, quantitative and qualitative methods were conducted during the February in 2006. Target groups were mostly national university students in the capital of Qatar, Doha, and questionnaires were distributed to each of 104 male and 106 female students respectively in the university campuses. For qualitative research, group and individual interviews were conducted with students and specialists. The collected data were processed by SPSS program to get results cross-compared on the basis of the gender. The paper is divided into four sections. The first section studies on the history, society and women of Qatar. The second section covers the process of popularization of the satellite TV and the current situation of the target group's exposure to it. The third section deals with the purpose of satellite TV watching and their preference of channels and programs. The fourth section discusses about the influence of satellite TV on consciousness of the gender role of Qatari women. In this section it will be explored ‘how’ and ‘to what degree’ the people feel about impacts of satellite TV on women’s gender role.


Satellite TV and its Influences on Consciousness of the Gender Role of Qatari Women Cho, Hee-Sun Myongji University This paper will focus on Satellite TV and its influences on consciousness of the gender role of Qatari women. To investigate what impacts the satellite TV have made on consciousness of the gender role in Qatar, quantitative and qualitative methods were conducted during the February in 2006. Target groups were mostly national university students in the capital of Qatar, Doha, and questionnaires were distributed to each of 104 male and 106 female students respectively in the university campuses. For qualitative research, group and individual interviews were conducted with students and specialists. The collected data were processed by SPSS program to get results cross-compared on the basis of the gender. The paper is divided into four sections. The first section studies on the history, society and women of Qatar. The second section covers the process of popularization of the satellite TV and the current situation of the target group's exposure to it. The third section deals with the purpose of satellite TV watching and their preference of channels and programs. The fourth section discusses about the influence of satellite TV on consciousness of the gender role of Qatari women. In this section it will be explored ‘how’ and ‘to what degree’ the people feel about impacts of satellite TV on women’s gender role.


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