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[언어] 아랍국가의 한국어 교육현황 -이집트, 요르단, 모르코를 중심으로-

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 국내연구자료 학술논문 김종도 중동문제연구 발간일 : 2010-05-31 등록일 : 2018-05-25 원문링크

The purpose of this study is to consider the current situation of Korean Education in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco in Arab Countries and to find a way to solve its problems. Unofficially, Korean education in the Arab region, after the 1988 Seoul Olympics, started at the University of Khartoum in Sudan under the sponsorship of the student body in the same year. But official Korean language education in Arab countries began as a subject of the liberal arts in University of Jordan in 1999. Currently Korean language programmes in Arab countries are running smoothly in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia , Sudan, etc. The first programme in the Middle East opened in September in the Korean department at the faculty of Al Suun of Ain Shams University in Cairo. Last year this University graduated students for the first time. The Number of students in one class is 30 . Now there are four places which are teaching Korean language in Egypt. After Egypt, in 2006, 'Korea and the English language and literature' department in University of Jordan was established to teach Korean language. This year's graduates will be produced. In Morocco, Korean education by the University of Muhammad Ⅴ began in 2001. But the University doesn't give the credits to the students learning for Korean language, but it will give the credits to them from next year. The Korean curriculum of the University of Ain Shams follows the fixed curriculum according to the faculty's decision. The department can't format the curriculum for itself. Specially grammar, conversation and translation between Korean-Arabic and Arabic-Korean are the major subjects to improve the practicality of Korean education. Despite the Korean language boom in Arab countries, there are some problems to resolve the text books, teaching methods, the staffs, the policies to revitalize scholarship system and the compilation of the Korean-Arabic. It is necessary to examine and establish the progress plan in the Korean boom atmosphere of the future.

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