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[산업] 아라비아 검을 이용한 천연 쪽 염료의 면직물에 대한 직접 날염 연구

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 국내연구자료 학술논문 이룡춘, 안춘순 한국의류학회지 발간일 : 2017-04-30 등록일 : 2018-06-22 원문링크

This research investigated the screen printing method for natural indigo dye on cotton fabric. We examined four types of thickening agents (arabic gum, guar gum, indalca, and CMC) based on their ability to retard the oxidation of natural indigo print paste while the paste remained on the screen frame. The results indicated that the retardation of arabic gum towards oxidation was the greatest among the four types of thickening agents. The highest K/S value of the printed cotton was observed with a dye concentration of 50g/L fermented indigo powder. The best printing results were obtained when the duration of dye efficiency was tested for the 10 minutes of the dye paste remaining on the screen with a thickening agent concentration of 26.56% that represented 530 cps viscosity. The test of colorfastness to washing and rubbing of the printed cotton resulted in grade 5, and the colorfastness to sunlight resulted in grade 4. Chinese traditional Naminwhapo printing was reproduced on cotton fabric using the natural indigo printing method derived from this study.

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