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[지역] The Constitutional Framework of the Democratic Arabic Republic of the Sahrawi's

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 국외연구자료 학술논문 - Afrika Focus 발간일 : 1994-12-31 등록일 : 2018-08-31 원문링크

Each constitution is a juridical source of standards. Moreover, each constitution is also a political instrument which expresses a certain political philosophy. The analysis of a constitution produces views concerning the real or ideal political regime, the internal relations of power attendant upon it, the way on which the individual participates in the exercise of the political and real power, ... February 1976, the Democratic Arabic Republic of the Sahrawi's was proclaimed and the first constitution was promulgated. During its congress, August 1976, the Polisario Front voted a second constitution. Responding to the changed -and changing- international context, at which the accession of the Democratic Arabic Republic of the Sahrawi's to the Organisation of African Unity was a matter of great importance, a brand new constitution was promulgated. This constitution has force of law as long as the obtaining of independence for the Sahrawi-people isn't reached.  In 1991 a new constitution was promulgated. This constitution seems to have all the stipulations, needed to be a 'good' democratic constitution. Therefore, it's now up to the Sahrawi's to realise this good intentions and to fill them in correctly.

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