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[농업경제] Benefit Sharing Plan : Ghana

가나 국외연구자료 연구보고서 World Bank World Bank 발간일 : 2018-09-04 등록일 : 2019-09-18 원문링크

Ghana’s National REDD+ Strategy aims to reduce deforestation and forest degradation and produce emission reductions by focusing on the implementation of large scale, jurisdictional programs that follow ecological boundaries, are defined by major commodities, and address the main drivers of deforestation and degradation within each program area. As part of a nested approach, these programmatic activities are supported by a set of over-arching actions and policies that are encompassed within the national REDD+ framework. The Ghana Cocoa Forest REDD+ Programme (GCFRP) is the first program to be developed under REDD+ in Ghana. It is jointly coordinated by the National REDD+ Secretariat (NRS) of the Forestry Commission (FC), and Ghana’s Cocoa Board (Cocobod). The FC is responsible for the regulation of the utilization of forest and wildlife resources, the conservation and management of those resources, and the coordination of policies related to them, while the Cocobod’s mission is to regulate the production, processing and marketing of good quality cocoa. The GCFRP was accepted into the Carbon Fund (CF) pipeline in April, 2014, with the successful submission of an Emission Reduction Program Idea Note (ER-PIN). In September, 2016, Ghana received endorsement from the FCPF Participants Committee for its R-Package, signaling the end of REDD+ Readiness, and then in June, 2017, Ghana presented its Emission Reduction Program Document (ERPD) to the Carbon Fund (CF) and the GCFRP was formally invited into the Carbon Fund portfolio. Ghana’s letter of intent (LOI) with the CF was most recently updated and signed by the FC in May (2018), and Ghana started the process towards negotiations with the CF and signing of an Emission Reductions Program Agreement (ERPA) by January, 2019.

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