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[경제] Upscaling Nature-Based Flood Protection in Mozambique’s Cities : Enabling Environment

모잠비크 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-01-01 등록일 : 2020-05-20 원문링크

Cities in Mozambique, particularly those located on its coastline, are highly exposed to climate risks and repeatedly suffer from severe floods. To support Mozambique in addressing these challenges and build climate resilience, the World Bank, jointly with the German Development Cooperation through KfW, have financed one of the first nature-based urban flood management projects in the coastal city of Beira. To ensure that best-practices and knowledge from this emblematic project are widely shared and can be used to scale-up nature-based solutions (NBS) in other cities, funding from GFDRR and PROFOR was secured to complete a technical assistance that produced five technical reports. These reports, prepared by CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH and Inros Lackner SE, cover lessons learnt from the pilot experience in Beira, the enabling environment for NBS in Mozambique, and the potential for scale-up of NBS in two other cities in Mozambique (Quelimane and Nacala), which includes risk assessments, identification of possible NBS measures, and cost-benefit analyses. This particular report identifies existing gaps and presents key recommendations for improving the enabling environment for preparing and implementing nature-based solutions for risk reduction in Mozambique.

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