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[경제] Egypt, Arab Republic of - Programmatic Support to MALR : Accelerating the Transformation of Agri-Food System - Impact of Investments in Selected Value-Chains

이집트 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2021-06-28 등록일 : 2021-08-28 원문링크

This report is the last output of a programmatic (two-year) analytical task Egypt Programmatic Capacity Building Support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR). The report was prepared at the request of the MALR. The original development objective of the analytical task was to provide advice to the MALR on ways to increase the efficiency of (a) its public expenditure programs, and (b) its operations, using digital technologies. However, at the beginning of FY21, at the request of MARL, the analytical task was restructured, to focus on assessing the economic viability, contribution to key economic indicators and climate co-benefits of a notional investment in selected prioritized value chains, including olives, poultry, dairy and medicinal and aromatic plants. To explore and, eventually, realize more of the agri-food sector’s potential, the MALR has prioritized four key value chains for investment and support: dairy, poultry, olives, and medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs). The four value chains are different in their nature, yet all are important for Egypt’s agri-food sector and offer significant opportunities for sector development. Thus, the dairy value chain offers significant opportunities for small-holder livestock farmer engagement as suppliers of fresh milk to dairy companies; poultry is important for national food security and nutrition as well as, in due course, the country’s exports (in particular higher value products such as hatching eggs and day old chicks (DOC); and olives and MAPs are important for exports, which generate the much-needed foreign exchange income. This report was prepared at the request of the MALR by the World Bank to improve understanding of the investments needed to strengthen these value chains and improve their climate resilience, water use efficiency and inclusivity in providing opportunities for engaging Egypt’s smallholder farmers, as well as the potential impact of these investments on the broader agri-food sector.

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