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[정책] 2020/21 Knowledge Sharing Program with Kenya: Policy Design and Marketing Strategy for the Development of Konza DMC Industry

케냐 국내연구자료 연구보고서 - 대한무역투자진흥공사 발간일 : 2022-03-07 등록일 : 2022-03-27 원문링크

I. Introduction
 1. Purpose of the project
 2. Scope of the project
 3. Project process method by content

II. Analysis of Kenya and Kenya Vision 2030
 1. Overview
 2. Kenya as a country
 3. Society and economy of Kenya
 4. Kenya Vision 2030 overview
 5. Sub-conclusion

III. Proposed development of Kenya's game and animation industries
 1. Overview
 2. Proposed development of Kenya’s game industry
 3. Proposed development of Kenya’s animation industry
 4. Conclusion

IV. Proposed development of Kenya's film and photography Industries
 1. Overview
 2. Proposed development of Kenya's film industry
 3. Proposed development of Kenya's photography industry
 4. Conclusion
V. Proposed development of Kenya's game developers
 1. Overview
 2. Current status of Kenyan game education
 3. Current status of game development education in Korea
 4. Policy proposal for Kenya's game development curriculums
 5. Conclusion

VI. Proposed development of the Konza Technopolis Development Authority
 1. Overview
 2. Overview of the Konza Technopolis Development Authority
 3. Organization and operation of the Sangam DMC
 4. KoTDA development strategy
 5. Details of key tasks and plans to create K-DMC ecosystem
 6. KoTDA organization and management composition plan

VII. Conclusions

VIII. Attachments
 1. Summaries of Kenyan interviews

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