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[경제] Closing Gaps, Increasing Opportunities : A Diagnostic on Women’s Economic Empowerment in Nigeria

나이지리아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2022-04-11 등록일 : 2022-04-20 원문링크

Nigeria is Africa's most populous country and largest economy. Its abundance of natural resources, large youth population, and vibrant private sector suggest that it has the potential to be a global economic powerhouse. Yet, economic growth has lagged population growth in recent years, hampering efforts to reduce poverty and boost shared prosperity. To realize the country's vast potential, and to reach the ambitious target of lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty by 2030, significant progress must be made against an array of development challenges. Advancing gender equality and promoting women and girls' empowerment are among the foremost issues to address since they have broad implications for accelerating inclusive economic growth. Women's economic empowerment cannot only support inclusive development through women's employment, but also by decreasing fertility rates, thereby supporting the critical demographic dividend agenda. The government of Nigeria is working strategically to remove the obstacles that prevent women from equally participating in and benefiting from the economy. This report supports the drive for action by highlighting effective and evidence-based solutions to target the most pressing challenges facing women. With the right policies, partners, and investments, can help unlock the potential of Nigerian women and girls and transform their economy and society.

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