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[경제] Nigeria : Participatory Governance to Strengthen the Social Contract in Kaduna State

나이지리아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2022-06-30 등록일 : 2022-07-10 원문링크

Nigeria’s Kaduna State has created a GovTech-enabled citizen engagement program designed to make government investment more responsive to citizens. This program provides a homegrown mobile phone app, and low-tech strategies such as town hall meetings and radio shows, to crowdsource some aspects of project monitoring. Early results suggest that mainstreaming this citizen engagement in government operations, rather than engaging citizens in an ad hoc manner, may be key to improving project outcomes. Kaduna State contains the former administrative capital of Northern Nigeria, was once a thriving industrial region, and is strategically located on the Lagos-Kano corridor. The state government believes that Kaduna can be a driver of growth in the region and have a demonstration effect for other states in Northern Nigeria. But to do this, it must significantly improve service delivery quality and access.

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