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[경제] Iran Economic Monitor : Managing Economic Uncertainties

이란 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2022-08-01 등록일 : 2022-08-03 원문링크

This Iran Economic Monitor (IEM) provides an update on key economic developments and policies as of Spring 2022. Iran’s economy continued its gradual recovery in 2021-2022 following the rebound in domestic and external demand. Despite a more accommodative fiscal policy in 2021-2022, higher oil and tax revenues have improved the fiscal deficit-to-GDP ratio. GDP growth is projected to remain modest in the medium term, as the economy remains constrained by both global and domestic gr owth bottlenecks. A more favorable global oil market outlook is projected to improve Iran’s fiscal and external balances. Iran’s economic outlook is subject to significant risks. Consumer price inflation accelerated due to a combination of supply-push and demandpull factors, adding to pressures on the welfare of lower-income households. Addressing long-term development challenges, including impending climate change shocks, requires a comprehensive package of economic reforms complemented by adequate social protection measures.

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