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[정책] Evolution of Food Security Program in Qatar

카타르 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University 발간일 : 2024-01-10 등록일 : 2024-01-19 원문링크

This paper delves into Qatar's evolving food security program, emphasizing the role of statedriven capital in shaping its corporate food regime. While most studies on food regimes center on corporate dynamics and neoliberal characteristics, the rising influence of state capital, especially in the Gulf region, remains underexplored. Qatar is emerging as a key state player in the global food landscape, contesting the dominance of traditional Northern entities by leveraging significant capital to back agribusiness ventures, foster new trade routes, and drive innovation. The study analysis Qatar Food Security strategies to unpack the interplay between state-driven capitalism, agro-security mercantilism, and agribusiness's role within the corporate food regime. Qatar adeptly harnessed the private sector to bolster food security in its desert environment and diminish import dependence. This strategic move fortified Qatar's position as a potent, forward-thinking, and credible state. The research seeks to examine the Gulf's geopolitical backdrop, the political economy of agribusiness, and societal food consumption patterns, to illuminate the factors molding Qatar's food regime and the broader implications for food security.

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