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[보건] Hypertension prevalence and cascade of care in Iran: Updates from the STEPs 2021 national and subnational survey

이란 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - The Ethical Committee of the National Institute for Health Research 발간일 : 2024-01-16 등록일 : 2024-01-26 원문링크

Background Hypertension (HTN) is rising worldwide. Accurate information about its prevalence, diagnosis, coverage, and control is essential for policymakers to implement effective strategies. Method Data were gathered from the nationally representative Iran STEPs 2021 study. ANOVA- test and chi-square were used to compare the prevalence, diagnosis, coverage, and control across the groups. Data were age-standardized. Multiple logistic regression with adjustments was performed. We also used the concentration index with concerning wealth index levels and schooling years. Results When using JNC8 guidelines, 32.0% (95% CI: 31.4–32.6), of Iranian adults suffered from HTN and it was more common in women (32.9% (32.1–33.8)) in comparison to men (30.9% (30-31.8)). While prevalence, diagnosis, and coverage were substantially dependent on factors such as socioeconomic status, lifestyle, age, and underlying diseases, control was independent of most of the measured variables. The distributions of HTN prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment were more concentrated in lower wealth index and years of schooling. Conclusion The prevalence of HTN in Iran is still high. Due to the grave consequences of hypertension, with it being a major direct and indirect cause of mortality, nationwide strategies to control its uprising prevalence are vital.

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