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[사회] Being adult children of late-life divorced parents in Israel: A dyadic/familial perspective

이스라엘 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science 발간일 : 2024-01-24 등록일 : 2024-02-02 원문링크

Adult children experience more engagement with their aging parents as life expectancy increases (Connidis, 2020). This reality may lead to role reversal as parents grow older and their physical and mental abilities change (e.g., Rossi & Rossi, 2018). Late-life divorce is also expanding in Western countries due to increased life expectancy and changes in social perceptions. Along with these trends, divorce is being viewed as an opportunity for self-determination rather than as a failure. While the divorce rate among young adults remains stable, the increase in late-life divorce, especially among adults aged 65 years and older, raises questions about how they will handle old age and the consequences for individuals and families (Brown & Lin, 2022).

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