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[정책] The strategic significance of Ethiopia's hydroelectric energy exports on Horn of Africa regional integration

에티오피아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - International Journal of River Basin Management 발간일 : 2024-02-06 등록일 : 2024-02-16 원문링크

This article seeks to explore the compelling strategic impact of Ethiopia's hydroelectric energy exports on the regional integration of the Horn of Africa. The study employed a qualitative research approach that impeccably integrated primary and secondary data sources. The study shades light on the extensive implications of Ethiopia’s energy exports on socio-economic, political, and security dimensions. Economically, these exports foster a sense of mutual reliance among neighboring states, pooling resources for collective development, expanding regional markets, and driving industrialization. Socially, the initiative cultivates invaluable people-to-people relationships among communities with interconnected fates and destinies. From a security standpoint, it actively engages in diplomatic strategies to avert water-related tensions and emphasizes cooperative approaches. Politically, the exportation of hydroelectric energy is poised to significantly redefine the existing power dynamics in the Horn of Africa, sparking transformative collaboration and integration at a regional level. Furthermore, Ethiopia's hydroelectric energy will decisively reshape the competitive landscape related to shared water resources in the Nile River basin. However, the realization of these initiatives hinges on effective reservoir management and responsible hydroelectric energy exports.

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