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[보건] Quantifying food insecurity in Ethiopia: Prevalence, drivers, and policy implications

에티오피아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Cogent Social Sciences 발간일 : 2024-02-23 등록일 : 2024-03-11 원문링크

Food insecurity remains persistent challenges in Ethiopia. This study analyzed secondary data to examine the prevalence and drivers of these issues. Food insecurity was assessed using 2014-2019 Gallup World Poll data and the Food Insecurity Experience Scale methodology. Logistic regression identified vulnerable subgroups. Qualitative interviews offered context on structural drivers. Analysis found 52.1% of Ethiopians experienced moderate or severe food insecurity in 2019, up from 47.7% in 2014. Severe food insecurity rose from 12.0% to 15.8%. Individuals aged 35-44 years and in the second lowest income quintile had higher likelihood of food insecurity. In 2019, 37% of children under 5 were stunted, indicating chronic malnutrition. Stunting was more prevalent in rural areas (40% vs 26% urban) and varied by region from 48.4% in Tigray to 15% in Addis Ababa. Stunting declined with mother’s education and household wealth. Wasting affected 7% of children. Interviews pointed to interconnected factors including poverty, agricultural underinvestment, gender inequality, climate vulnerability, and policy limitations driving food insecurity. Overall, the analysis demonstrates persistently high and worsening food insecurity despite economic growth, indicating the need for multi-sectoral strategies to strengthen rural agricultural livelihoods, social protection, women’s empowerment, and child nutrition. These findings can inform policy aimed at meeting SDG 2 in Ethiopia.

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