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[사회] Prevalence of depression among the elderly in MoroccoPrévalence de la dépression chez les personnes âgées au Maroc

아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - NPG 발간일 : 2024-03-07 등록일 : 2024-03-20 원문링크

Our aim was to estimate the prevalence of depression among the elderly in Morocco and to study the associated risk factors.

This was a cross-sectional survey of people aged 65 and over attending health centres in the province of Essaouira. We used the short version of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) to study the prevalence of depressive symptoms.

The study included 509 patients, the majority of whom were men (54.8%). The mean age was 71.1 years (± 6.8); 55% of participants were chronically ill. The GDS-15 score ranged from 2 to 12, with an average of 5.4 (± 3.2). Among our participants, 35.4% had depressive symptoms. There was a significant correlation between the presence of depressive symptoms and marriage, chronic illness and advanced age.

Our study has shown that depressive symptoms are very common among the elderly in Morocco. A screening strategy and a strengthening of mental health care provision are strongly recommended to ensure that Moroccan elderly people age actively and in good health.

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