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[사회] The Whiteman and gifts: Underlying concepts influencing Ghanaian officials’ explanation of corruption

가나 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - British Society of Criminology 발간일 : 2024-03-27 등록일 : 2024-03-27 원문링크

Corruption – the (mis)use of entrusted power or public office for private gain – is a widely researched and discussed subject matter with various descriptions. Understanding the meaning and nature of corruption from the perspectives of criminal justice and anti-corruption officials is essential for developing effective anti-corruption measures and strategies. However, justice and anti-corruption officials’ perspectives of what corruption means are under-explored. Addressing this gap, the current study explores Ghanaian justice and anti-corruption officials’ understanding of corruption and factors that might influence their perceptions. The study uses a qualitative design of interviews with judges, prosecution lawyers, police officers, defence lawyers and anti-corruption officials. The results show that colonialism, Western domination and historical and cultural practices are key factors underpinning officials’ understanding and explanation of corruption. The discussion depicts clashes between Western values and cultural practices of developing countries like Ghana. Finally, the article concludes by discussing the implications of the results for policy and practice.

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