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[사회] Monograph: Rebuilding, Infrastructure & Cultural Heritage of Ukraine

우크라이나 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - International Journal of Environmental Studies 발간일 : 2024-04-04 등록일 : 2024-04-12 원문링크

One of the great European nations is slowly disappearing. And this enormous, almost unbelievable event is occurring without anyone noticing’ [Citation1]. Numbers support Milan Kundera’s 1984 prophesy: the 1989 census recorded a Ukrainian population of 51.5 million; before the war with Russia, it was about 45 million; the present population of free Ukraine is less than 30 million. But the soul contends otherwise.

In a forest outside Izium, Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina recorded the exhumation of compatriots tortured and executed by the Russian occupiers, including poet and author Volodymyr Vakulenko – his body was in grave 319. Victoria also looked for, and found, his diary. In May 2022, accepting the posthumous award of the Prix Voltaire on his behalf, she told of the hundreds of Ukrainian writers and cultural leaders who had been killed for choosing to be Ukrainian – but there was now hope that the world would hear the last words of truth from Volodymyr Vakulenko… In less than two months, Victoria herself was killed by a Russian missile.

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